January 11, 2011 | 5 min read
The Hidden Job Market: How to Land an Unlisted Job

Tandym Group

A recent Wall Street Journal article highlighted the overwhelming amount of unlisted open positions available at companies to be around 80% of total job openings. What does this mean for job seekers? For one, it means putting in more effort and time to apply for and actually get that dream job you want, but it could also mean less compeJob Searchtition. Recruitment firms (like The Execu|Search Group) have plenty of contacts across many industries and have access to many exclusive and unlisted jobs. To be considered for an unlisted position, you should submit your resume and work with a recruiter who will help you get noticed by companies and organizations that don’t publicize their openings on public job boards.

If you choose to go at it on your own, begin by compiling a list of companies you are interested in working for and research relevant positions within those organizations. Next, tap into your personal network and search for connections that can forward your resume directly to decision makers. Lastly, make it easy for companies to find you. Be sure to promote your availability on networking websites or industry specific websites.

Don’t forget to follow up with employers and good luck in your future endeavors!

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