September 30, 2015 | 5 min read
Feeling Ignored? 3 Ways to Get Your Resume Noticed

Tandym Group

When it comes to the hiring process, every company is different. For that reason, there are so many factors that go into getting your resume noticed by a hiring manager, such as how many people have applied for the position and whether the company uses applicant tracking software to find relevant resumes. As a result, if you haven’t had much success, it may feel as though you’re constantly sending your resume into a black hole. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to maximize your chances of landing an interview! Therefore, before you submit your next application, make sure you follow these 3 tips:

Tailor your resume

Even if the positions you’re applying for have the same title, job descriptions and requirements can vary from company to company. Therefore, it’s important to carefully read the job description to identify keywords that are relevant to you. For example, if a job description mentions that the employer is seeking someone who is proficient in project management, and you are, edit your resume to prominently display your experience with it. This will ensure that your resume will come up when the hiring manager searches for candidates with that skill.

That being said, be careful about overusing certain keywords. You still want everything to read naturally and stuffing your resume full of buzzwords can make it read awkwardly. There are no hard-and-fast rules as to how many keywords to use in a resume, so before pressing submit, read yours out loud to ensure everything flows well.

Evaluate your formatting

Since hiring managers only have a few short minutes to review a resume, the way you format your resume is key. Why? If the employer deems it too difficult to read, the chances of them actually reviewing it are slim. To put yourself in their shoes, glance at your resume quickly—are you able to quickly and clearly discern important information such as your name, education, and past experience? If you have to hunt for these particulars, chances are, your resume might be a bit disorganized. To fix this:

Don’t forget to proofread!

You could be the most qualified candidate for the role, but still not hear back if your resume has grammatical errors, typos, or is missing crucial information. Therefore, comb your resume one last time and make sure you’ve included the best telephone number for the employer to reach you at, as well as an appropriate contact email.

Once that is complete, look over it once more to search for grammatical errors and typos. While spellcheck is a great tool to help polish your resume, it isn’t always foolproof. As a result, print yours out and read it aloud. While this may seem tedious, it is much easier to catch errors when reviewing on a physical piece of paper rather than on a computer screen.

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