September 09, 2014 | 5 min read
3 Overlooked Character Traits To Emphasize On Your Next Interview

Tandym Group

When preparing for an  interview, what are your go-to strategies? An interviewee’s checklist often includes the basics—professional outfit; all necessary documents; and a few stories/talking points about hard skills, experiences, and accomplishments.  However, there are several overlooked character traits many forget to emphasize that could potentially make them top candidates for the job. We’ve previously written about how soft skills can be equally as important as, if not more important than, hard skills, but it also takes more than effective communication and leadership skills to make a well-rounded candidate. If you’re looking to make a top-notch impression, it’s time to take your professional presence one step further.

Aside from knowing you’re capable of the technical and social aspects of the job, employers want to be confident that you’re passionate about what you’ll be doing. An engaged and happy employee is often a hardworking and productive employee, and therefore, candidates with a clear purpose in what they do are usually the most sought-after. On your next interview, try expressing these three often overlooked character traits to show the hiring manager that you’ll be fully invested in your possible future position:

  1. Curiosity. A major mistake some candidates make is focusing too much on proving their worth based on the job’s requirements. Many are often so focused on showing the employer that they’re capable of the job that they forget to gain a thorough understanding of what the job really is. But not only will asking questions about the position help you decide if it’s really for you, it will also show the employer that you’re serious about ensuring a good fit and that you’re open-minded, flexible, and adaptable.
  2. Enthusiasm. If you want the job, act as if you do! It’s understandable to be nervous for an interview, but don’t let that take away from showing how excited you are for the potential opportunity. Candidates who actively show their enthusiasm during an interview show hiring managers that they’ll be genuinely interested in and passionate about what they’re doing. Likewise, those who are excited about what they do tend to be more engaged and productive.
  3. Drive. Employers hiring for permanent roles typically value candidates with longevity. If you’re looking to make a great impression, make sure you show you’re invested in the future of the position by asking not only about current duties but about how and where the position has the potential to grow. Just be careful not to get too far ahead of yourself—by seeming too invested in the future of the position, you may seem as if you aren’t committed to the position you’re actually applying for.

By effectively combining these three traits and showing them in an interview, you’ll be well on your way to showing genuine passion and excitement for the role.

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